Scaffolding Accidents

We all know how hazardous shoddy scaffolding can be. Insecure bracing, poor materials, unsafe construction, lack of attention to safety board regulations – all lead to scaffolding accidents all over the US.

An estimated 2.3 million construction workers, or 65 percent of the construction industry, work on scaffolds frequently. Protecting these workers from scaffold-related accidents may prevent some of the 4,500 injuries and 50 deaths every year, which cost employers $90 million in workdays lost. In a recent study, 72 percent of workers injured in scaffold accidents attributed the accident either to the planking or support giving way, or to the employee slipping or being struck by a falling object.

There are lawyers that are experienced in scaffolding accidents and understand the rules and regulations that are applied to them. If you find you’re the one of the many that has had a scaffolding injury, then you should seek legal aid as soon as possible. The lawyers will evaluate your case for free and tell you if you are justified in suing the company.

Base plates and mud sills are required on scaffolding. The surface where the mud sills are placed must be capable of keeping the scaffolding in place. Another essential component is the scaffold ties. After the first tie is attached properly, then subsequent ties should be attached safely. The height of these subsequent ties should not be more than twenty-six feet. You must also put ties at horizontal intervals, which doesn’t exceed thirty feet, and all ties should be able to stand up to a push or pull of 2500 pounds of weight. Even with this additional ties may be necessary to ensure your safety on the scaffolding.

Whether a worker on a construction site or a builder, if you’ve been the victim of unsafe scaffolding then waste no time in contacting an accident attorney today and start the ball rolling with your claim for a Scaffolding Accident.

What can an accident lawyer help with?

Claims for scaffolding accidents caused by insecure bracing

Claims for scaffolding accidents caused by poor materials

Claims for scaffolding accidents caused by unsafe construction

Claims for scaffolding accidents caused lack of attention to safety board regulations

Claiming compensation for scaffolding accidents caused by improper erection

Legal Cases for Traffic Accidents

Even though there have been advancements in road and car safety, road traffic accidents are still common place in our society. Unfortunately, statistics show that most people will be involved in a serious road traffic accident at least once in their lifetime. We will discuss when such accidents may lead to legal proceedings.

If you are involved in a car accident, you should speak to a legal expert who can guide you through the minefield of the legal system and help you to get the compensation you deserve.

Legal Proceedings After A Road Traffic Accident
Not all road traffic accidents lead to legal proceedings, however if there are no serious injuries, you may be entitled to recover damages for property and other expenses from the other drivers insurance company. The likelihood of legal proceedings will usually rest on the quantum, or the amount of financial damage which has ensued from the accident.

What are Legal Cases for Traffic Accidents?
There are many possible causes for road traffic accidents which are discussed below:

Bad Driving- This is by far the greatest cause of most road traffic accidents. Simple errors in judgement and other mishaps all add up to common poor driving habits such as ignoring traffic signals, speeding, not giving way at the correct times, tailgating and mobile phone usage.

Lack Of Attention- Drivers are oftentimes distracted and can increase the chance of a road traffic accidents. Whether from outside of the car or inside the car its something which we must all become more aware of. Reading maps or newspapers(!), changing CD’s or the radio station, fixing your appearance in the vanity mirror or trying to comfort an upset child are all distractions which can cause road traffic accidents.

Under The Influence- Accidents on the road are unfortunately due to the impaired ability of the driver to concentrate and put both himself and other road users at risk.

Weather Conditions – Bad weather, rain, icy roads, floods all contribute to poor driving conditions from which an accident can occur by impairing visibility. Slippery road surfaces require the driver to take extra care whist behind the wheel. Motorists need to take into consideration these weather conditions while on the road to avoid causing an accident. Black ice and flash flooding are all unexpected obstacles a driver will have to be prepared for when setting out on a journey, so its important to check the weather report if you suspect harsh road conditions.

Poor Road Design – Government liability can be called upon when confusing, poorly placed signs, barriers, road works or traffic signals are a contributing factor to a road traffic accidents. These can lead to drivers no being familiar with a change in road design and coupled with possible poor driving conditions lead to vehicle collisions and personal injuries.

Roadworthy Vehicles- A road traffic accidents can be caused by a vehicle not being road worthy. Factors such as poor tyres, brakes failing, electrical failure and similar defects can all cause a driver to become involved in an accident. A manufacturing defect, design failure or similar vehicle factory problem can also be a contributing factor.

Traffic Accident Compensation

Most road traffic accident compensation involves two drivers, with a driver or passenger from the one vehicle seeking compensation from the driver of the second vehicle. Based on evidence that the accident was caused through negligence. The road traffic accident compensation claim will lead to legal proceedings that will involve the driver and possibly, passengers of both vehicles claiming injury as a result of the negligent driving on one the parties behalf . Typically, legal proceedings due to poor road design, will be against a local council. This can be on the basis that they to have failed to install proper signs maintained proper design or maintain a A road, high street or motorway. A road traffic accident compensation claim may also include a product liability claim lodged toward the manufacturer of a car or car part, claiming design or manufacturing defect which lead to the accident. Also, if a car mechanic or garage left a car in an unsafe condition, liability may fall within their responsibility.

Unique Situations

Unique situations can often arise in a road traffic accident compensation claim which make the legal proceedings more difficult. All parties involved may be liable for potential injuries and this will be considered during the course of any legal proceeding. Various issues that can arise from the accident itself include:

Pedestrians and Road Accidents: In such situations, a member of the public can suffer serious injuries as a result of a collision with a vehicle. Often time the conduct of the pedestrian is called into question making it difficult to make a claim against the driver.

Motorbike & Car Accidents: Motorcyclists are very much at risk in regards to personal injury when involved in a road traffic accident, even in collisions which would be relatively minor had they occurred between cars. Due to the nature of some motorcyclists, it may be prove difficult to obtain a far hearing from a jury as they’re commonly deemed ‘wreckless’ road users even if the other party is clearly at fault.

Bicyclists & Car Accidents: Bicyclists are among the most vulnerable road users. They are more likely to sustain serious injury when hit by cars or other vehicles. Various hazards such as doors opening in front of them are obvious causes of collisions as well as many others. Cyclists are often caught in the drivers blind spot and they often report that they did not see the bicyclist until it was too late.

Buses & Car Accidents: Bus accidents can also be quite serious. Due to the sheer size, passengers carried, a collision with a bus will not only see other road users worst off, but unmanaged passengers can also add to the already heated mix of a road accident. Any road traffic accident compensation claim will also be taken up with the operator of the bus not just the driver.

Unsafe road conditions: Where things like road debris and poor, uneven road surfaces abound, accidents can be common place. Whether this is in the form of parts which have fallen off of vehicles, or debris that is kicked up from the roadway, it can all be used as evidence in a road traffic accident compensation claim if the driver believes this was the cause of the accident.

Personal Injury Lawyer – How to Recover from your loss

Regardless of any or all precautions you take, an accident can happen to just about anyone, even to an injury lawyer. People neither choose to have an accident nor decide when and where it should occur.

An accident is both a painful and an expensive experience – the injury makes you suffer and the medical treatment costs quite a bit. A personal injury claim is a way to compensate many of your losses and its importance should not be understated. You can’t turn back the time but you can minimise the bad consequences of your injury.

Let’s Ask An Injury Lawyer

How can you handle a compensation claim if you are injured and the bureaucratic procedures are not considerate about your condition? A surefire solution is to ask a personal injury lawyer.

Their job is to make an injury claim in your name, and a case to win your accident compensation. They are professional and experienced and what is most important – you don’t pay anything for their services, regardless of your claim’s final result.

The injury lawyer’s service is based on a ‘No Win No Fee’ method. Which means if you lose your accident claim, the lawyer is responsible for such loss, i.e. you don’t pay them a penny. After all, why should you, if their job is to win your claim and don’t?

If your injury compensation claim succeeds, the lawyer recovers all their fees or bills (payments, costs of injury assessment, medical examinations, court fees, etc.) from the losing side or their insurance company and you should get 100% of your injury compensation.

It’s a very fair deal that the injury lawyer takes all the risk, so for you it’s safe and stress-free solution – it reassures you that the lawyer will do their best to win, as at the end of the day they want to get paid as well.

Choose Wisely!

You have a free right to decide if you want to make use of personal injury lawyer and it should be fully respected. Companies harassing and hassling injured people, asking them for their money, are no more than a relict of the shameful history.

If you feel that you need advice or help, you look for it, not otherwise. If you need an accident lawyer’s service, you call for it. If you have any questions and you are not sure about anything, look for a free consultation, without strings attached.

Why A Personal Injury Lawyer’s Service Is So Important?

Of course, you could try to handle your injury claim all by yourself, but let’s think about it for a moment. How solid is your knowledge of the laws concerning accidents and accident claims?

Do you know how to make all the necessary preparations?

Do you know how to avoid all the legal tricks, so you don’t fail because of some small detail?

And finally, can you do all of it and not forget anything as for being in an injured state, poor health and the case becomes personal and emotional?

If your answer for any of the questions above is ‘no’, then here’s another one: is there any reason to reject the services of experienced, professional personal injury lawyer if it improves your situation and costs you nothing?

An injury lawyer is there for you! They have all the necessary knowledge and skill to handle your compensation claim. The accident injury is a problem itself and it can be just a tip of the iceberg, but it doesn’t mean that you have to sink into trouble – a compensation claim can help you financially and an injury lawyer will do that for you.

Alabama Accident Lawyers

Any undesirable or unexpected event resulting in harm and to an unfortunate result like injury. Under the U.S. law, the term accident is a broad term, covering various incidents, including but not limited to a hit-and-run accident; accidents caused by uninsured or underinsured drivers; accidents involving a bus, truck, etc; premises accidents (trip and fall) caused by defective conditions, improper maintenance, repair or cleaning, overcrowding, insufficient supervision, or improper security; or construction-site accidents, etc.

These kind of unfortunate mishaps not only cause pain and suffering, but often result in financial burdens as a result of being out of work and being confronted with mounting medical bills. If you have been a victim of any of such misfortune, you are entitled to receive fair compensation for all your sufferings and injuries. In order to claim for fair and just compensation, you need the services of an accident lawyer, who has prior experience and expertise in handling accident cases similar to yours. An accident lawyer specializes in legal disputes involving negligence and damages. An accident lawyer knows how to prepare your case and to get you compensated for pain, suffering, and injury by putting together a solid case. Most of the accident lawyers in U.S. work on a contingency-fee basis—that is you don’t have to pay a cent, unless you receive the compensation, at which point you are charged a percentage of the settlement. If you do not win your case, then you are not charged at all. In case of an accident, it’s always advantageous to contact an experienced lawyer from a local office, who is well versed with the laws of the state in which the accident has taken place.

In a state like Alabama, where highways are the sites of numerous debilitating injuries each year, if you are one of those unfortunate enough to be an accident victim, the most immediate step to be taken is to hire a local accident lawyer, who can provide you with expert legal advice. Finding an experienced and expert accident lawyer is no easy task. You can begin your search with a personal reference, if possible. Also, seeking referrals from state bar association can help you in your search for a good lawyer. Flipping through yellow pages or browsing an online directory can help you find an accident lawyer to take the command of your case and to lead you to fair road of justice.



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